Sunday, September 2, 2012

People by Mother Teresa

“If you judge people, you have no time to love them.” 

Heaven on earth by William W. Purkey
“You've gotta dance like there's nobody watching,
Love like you'll never be hurt,
Sing like there's nobody listening,
And live like it's heaven on earth.” 


Reality by Dr. Seuss
“You know you're in love 
when you can't fall asleep 
because reality is finally 
better than your dreams.” 


Light and love by Martin Luther King Jr
“Darkness cannot drive out darkness: only light can 
do that. Hate cannot drive out hate: only love can do 


True love by Sarah Dessen
“There is never a time or place for true love. It happens accidentally, in a heartbeat, in a single flashing, throbbing moment.” 


Strength and courage by Lao Tzu
“Being deeply loved by 
someone gives you strength, 
while loving someone deeply gives you courage.” 


Love by Robert A. Heinlein

“Love is that condition in 
which the happiness of 
another person is essential 
to your own.” 


True love by Robert Fulghum

“We’re all a little weird. And life is a little weird. And 
when we find someone whose weirdness is compatible 
with ours, we join up with them and fall into mutually satisfying weirdness—and call it love—true love.” 


Laughter by Marilyn Monroe

 “If you can make a girl 
laugh, you can make her 
do anything.” 


Real lover by Marilyn Monroe

 “The real lover is the man who can thrill you by kissing 
your forehead or smiling into your eyes or just staring 
into space.” 


Love by Nicholas Sparks

“Love is like the wind, you can't see it but you can 
feel it.” 

Love someone by Jodi Picoult

“You don't love someone because they're perfect, 
you love them in spite of the fact that they're not.” 


What is love by Nicholas Sparks

“Love is always patient and kind. It is never jealous. 
Loves is never boastful or conceited. It is never rude 
or selfish. It dose not take offense and is not resentful. 
Love take no pleasure in others people's sins, but 
delights in the truth. It is always ready to excuse, to 
trust, to hope, and to endure whatever comes.” 


Once upon a time by Nicole Krauss

 “Once upon a time there was a boy who loved a girl, 
and her laughter was a question he wanted to spend 
his whole life answering.” 


Love by Paulo Coelho

“One is loved because 
one is loved. No reason is 
needed for loving.” 



Meant to be by Trisha Yearwood

“What's meant to be will always find a way” 


In the end by Paul McCartney

"The love you take is equal to the love you make.”


Success by Winston Churchill

“Success is not final, failure is not fatal: it is the 
courage to continue that counts.” 


Man of value by Albert Einstein

“Try not to become 
a man of success. Rather become a man of value.” 


Failure by Truman Capote
“Failure is the condiment that gives success its flavor.” 


Success and happiness by W.P. Kinsella

“Success is getting what 
you want, happiness is 
wanting what you get” 


Enthusiasm by Winston Churchill

“Success is stumbling from failure to failure with no 
loss of enthusiasm.” 



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