Saturday, November 12, 2011

Phrases by Paula Rinehart

“God invest power and strength in a man for 
a reason. The question is, how, throughout 
his life, will he use that power?”


“The work a man does
is what reminds him on
a daily basis that God 
equips and calls him to exercise his strength on 
behalf of others”



“Being a woman who understands a man – perhaps better 
than he understands himself – will allow you to see beyond 
his fears or defeats.”


“Most guys make internal shifts in the way 
they do life and relationships because a 
woman has helped them see what they 
often can’t”


“A man changes as he steps into moments of inadequacy ... 
and realises that what he brings to the table is, mysteriously, enough”


Each man has his own 
mix of strengths and weaknesses. And often, 
you don’t get a particular strength unless you accept 
its corresponding weakness”


“Expecting too little from a man 
may mean, unfortunately, that 
too little is what you get.”


“The form of respect a man usually mentions first 
.... is his longing for a woman who knows him and 
loves him to be his foremost cheerleaders”


“Offering respect to a man invites him to look 
up, in search of the God who made him, as he reaches inside for what God has put in him”


“There’s much to be gained from conflict 
in a close relationship, especially if you think 
of disagreement as an extended dialogue”


"In any conflict, there's the part that's obvious 
and the part that's hidden" 


“Whatever form “freaking out” takes 
in your relationship
– be it biting words or 
stonewalling – that’s 
the signal to stop”


“If you hold up a negative lens, you’ll see what you expect 
to see. Your assumptions will a appear to be confirmed – 
even though they’re wrong”


“Stopping long enough to validate 
the other person’s feelings, experience, 
or opinions.... allows new possibilities
to be entertained”


“Empathy for most men, is a slowly learned skill. It doesn’t 
come naturally”


“It’s a soul-stretching 
exercise to try to hear 
a man deeply ... and
to feel heard yourself”

Friends in Proverbs 13.20

He who walks with wise men will be wise, but the companion of fools will suffer harm”


A cool spirit in Proverbs 12.18

“There is one who speaks 
rashly like the thrusts of a sword. But the tongue of 
the wise brings healing”


Forgiving in Ephesians 4.32

“Be kind to one another, tender-hearted, forgiving each 
other, just as God in Christ also has forgiven you.”


Confession in Hebrews 10.23-24

“Let us hold fast the confession of our hope without 
wavering ... and let us consider how to stimulate one 
another to love and good deeds”


Walk in Ephesians 4:1-2

“Walk in a manner worthy of the
calling with which you have been 
called, with all humility and 
gentleness, with patience, showing tolerance for one another in love”


“Humility of mind in Philippians 2:3-4

“Do nothing from selfishness or 
empty conceit, but with humility 
of mind regard one another as 
more important than yourselves; 
do not merely look out for your 
own personal interests, but also 
for the interests of others”


Mutual understanding by Paul Tournier

“We must be reminded that the first condition for mutual understanding is .... the willingness to understand. All the conversations of our world are, for the most part, dialogues 
of the deaf”


Phrases by Paula Rinehart

“We are better able to 
love what we understand. 
And loving and being loved is the main way we 
reflect the glory of God”


“God has given you eyes to see. 
And those eyes can be a man’s 
most reliable mirror of who he 
is and who he can be”

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