Sunday, October 30, 2011

Poverty by Ralph Waldo Emerson

“Poverty consists of  feeling poor”

Measure of love by Saint Catherine of Siena

“You are rewarded not according to your work or 
your time but according to the measure of your 


Capture feeling by Neville Goldard

“Capture the feeling associated with your realised 
wish by assuming the feeling that would be yours 
were you already in possession of the thing you 
desire, and your wish will objectify itself"


Giving by Mother Teresa

“It’s not how much we give but how much
love we put into giving”


Happiness by Albert Schweitzer

“Success is not the key to happiness. 
Happiness is the key to success”

Love by Rhonda Byrne

“Love is the attracting 
force that brings money, 
and love is also the power
that makes money stick” 


“When some money comes into 
your hands, no matter how small 
it is, be grateful! Remember, 
gratitude is the great multiplier”


“If you feel really good about success, no matter 
whose success it is, you stick success to you!”


“The beauty of life is 
that when you put love 
first, all the money you 
need to live full life 
comes to you” 


You have to be happy to receive the happy versions 
of other people”


“You can stick everything you love and 
want to you by looking for the things you 
love in other people, and saying yes to 
those qualities with all your heart”


“If you are feeling fantastic, the force of 
your magnetic field creates a shield that 
no negativity can penetrate”  


If you believe that your body will deteriorate 
with age, you are giving out that belief, and 
the law of attraction must return those 
circumstances to you” 



“Everything has a frequency – everything! And whatever 
you’re feeling is bringing 
everything into your life 
that’s on a similar frequency
to you” 


“Place the force of love ahead of you in 
everything you do. Imagine each thing in 
your day going well, and feel love inside 
yourself as much as you can, before you 
do anything” 


“If your mind is consumed with too many details, 
the details will distract you and pull you down. 
Simplify your life, and don’t give too much 
importance to the little things. What difference 
does it make?” 


“The greatest joy in life 
is giving, because unless 
you give, you will always 
be struggling to survive” 


“Give your love because 
it is the magnet to 
all the riches of life”

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