Saturday, October 29, 2011

Imagining and feeling by Rhonda Byrne

“To lighten up about bad feelings, imagine bad feelings 
as wild horses you climb on. If you climbed on them 
you can climb off them, too! You can choose to get off 
that horse as fast as you jumped on to it”


“Change what you give, 
and you will always without 
exception, change what you receive, because that is 
the law of attraction.
That is the law of love’


“If someone has something you 
want, be as excited as though you 
have it. If you feel love for it, you 
are bringing the same thing to you”


If you see the things you want, you are on the same 
frequency as those things”


“Life’s catalogue contains things you don’t love, 
so don’t choose them by giving bad feelings”


“Give judgement and criticism and you give it 
to yourself. Give love and appreciation to 
another person or anything and you give it 
to yourself”


Whatever story you tell, whether good 
or bad, will be the story of your life. So 
start telling the story of your amazing life, 
and the law of attraction must make sure 
you receive it”


Destiny by William Jennings Bryan

“Destiny is no matter of change. It is a matter 
of choice”


Abundance by W. Clement Stone

“Your most precious, valued possessions and your 
greatest powers are invisible and intangible. No one 
can take them. You, and you alone, can give them. 
You will receive abundance for your giving”


Mind by Bhagarvad Git

“The mind acts like an enemy for those who don’t 
control of”

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