Monday, December 26, 2011

Heart by Helen Keller

“The best and most beautiful things in the world 
cannot be seen or even touched. They must be 
felt with the heart”


Woman’s heart by Josiah G Holland

“The most precious 
possession that ever 
comes to a man in
this world is a 
woman’s heart"


Mother by Dorothy Canfield Fisher

“A mother is not a person to lean on but a person 
to make leaning unnecessary”


Love yourself by Lucille Ball

“Love yourself first and everything else falls into line.
You really have to love yourself to get anything done 
in this world”


Different kinds of people by Martin Buber

“God made so many different kinds of people. Why 
would he allow only one way to serve him?


Soul purpose by Garrett Gunderson

“Each person has this magical thing called Soul 
Purpose within them. The difference between 
surviving and thriving has to do with whether 
we see it or not”


Own your career by Author Unknown

“The biggest mistake that you can make is to believe
that you are working for somebody else. Job security 
is gone. The driving force of a career must come
from the individual. Remember: Jobs are owned
by the company, you own your career”


Change of heart by Mohandas Gandhi

“The spirit of democracy is not a mechanical thing 
to be adjusted by abolition of forms. It requires 
change of heart”


Lemonade by Ron White

“I believe that if life gives you lemons, you should 
make lemonade ... And try to find somebody whose 
life has given them vodka, and have a party”


 Christmas by Roy L Smith

“He who has not Christmas in his heart will never 
find it under a tree”


Lives by Earl Nightingale

“We can let circumstances 
rule us or we can take
charge and rule our 
lives from within”


Talkers by Bruce Barton

“Talkers have always ruled. They will continue to
rule. The smart thing is to join them”


Child by Elizabeth Stone

“Making the decision to have a child – it’s momentious.   
It is to decide forever to have your heart to walking 
around outside your body”


Heart by Zelda Fitzgerald

“Nobody has ever measured, not even poets, how 
much the heart can hold”


Life by Rose Kennedy

“Life isn’t a matter of milestones, but of moments”


Happiness by Agnes Repplier

“It is not easy to 
find happiness in ourselves,and impossible to 
find it elsewhere”


Believe my mother by Wilma Rudolph

“My doctors told me I would never walk again. My 
mother told me I would. I believed my mother”


Tea bag by Eleanor Roosevelt

“A woman is like a tea bag. You never know her 
strength until you drop her in hot water”


Human experience by Helen Keller

“The richness of the human experience would lose 
something of rewarding joy if there were no
limitations to overcome”


Kind words by Mother Teresa

“Kind words can
be short and easy 
to speak, but their 
echoes are truly 


Daring adventure by Helen Keller

“Life is either a daring adventure or nothing at all”


Good feeling by Mother Teresa

“Sometimes a good feeling from inside is worth much 
more than a beautician”


Bitterest tears by Harriet Beecher Stowe

“The bitterest tears shed over graves are for words 
left unsaid and deeds left undone”


Love by Elbert Hubbard

“The love we give away 
is the only love we keep”


Great action by Emily P Bissell

“Great thoughts speak 
only to the thoughtful 
mind, but great actions 
speak to all mankind”


One soul by Eileen Caddy

“What is right for one soul may not be right for another. 
It may mean having to stand on your own and do
something strange in the eyes of others” 

Saturday, December 17, 2011

Resourceful person by Garnett Gunderson

“A resourceful person can see opportunity when others only see obstacles”



One thing by Brigham Young

“Everyone should learn 
to do one thing supremely 
well because he likes it, 
and one thing supremely 
well because he detests it”


Wealth by Dr Joe Vitale

“Your wealth is hiding under the very thing you 
are afraid to do”


Blame by Dr Joe Vitale

“The thing is, we have to let go of all blame, all 
attacking, all judging, to free our inner selves to 
attract what we say we want. Until we do, we are 
hamsters in a cage chasing our own tails and 
wondering why we aren’t getting the results we 


Action by Author unknown

“Remember, people 
will judge you by your 
actions, not your 
intentions. You may 
have a heart of gold 
– but so does a 
hard-boiled egg”


Statement by Grey Livingston

“Ironically, making a statement with words is the 
least effective method”


Potential by Garrett Gunderson

“Potential is all the 
resources you have 
in front of you. 
Efficiency is putting 
those resources to use 


New leaf by Mignon McLaughlin

“You will turn over many a futile new leaf till you 
learn we must all write on scratched-out pages”


Courage by Author unknown
“God grant me the serenity to accept the people I 
cannot change, the courage to change the one I 
can, and the wisdom to know it’s me”


Money by Dr Joe Vitale

“Remember that: Money will always match your 


Today by Mother Theresa

“Yesterday is gone. Tomorrow has not yet come. 
We have only today. Let us begin”


Ask by Wayne Dyer

“You are important enough to ask and you are 
blessed enough to receive back”


Beginning by Louis L’Amour

“There will come 
a time when you 
believe everything
is finished. That 
will be the 


Happiness by Albert Schweitzer

“Success is not the key to happiness. Happiness is 
the key to success. If you love what you are doing, 
you will be successful”


Thoughts by Peace Pilgrim

“If you realised how powerful your thoughts are, 
you would never think a negative thought”


Intuition by Jones Salk

“Intuition will tell the 
thinking mind where to 
look next”


Repetition by Earl Nightingale

“Whatever we plant in our subconscious mind 
and nourish with repetition and emotion will
one day become a reality”


Riches by Sir John Templeton

“Never forgot: the
secret of creating 
riches for oneself 
is to create them 
for others”


Time and health by Denis Waitley

“Time and health are two precious assets that we 
don’t recognise and appreciate until they have 
been depleted”


List of things by Dr Joe Vitale

“What can you do right now to begin to turn your 
life around? The very first thing is start making a 
list of things to be grateful for”


What you care do by Stephen Pierce

“Never let what you cannot do stop you from doing what 
you CAN do!”


Genius by Henry David Thoreau

“What is called genius
is the abundance of
life and health”


Masterpiece by Dr Joe Vitale

“You are the masterpiece of your own life; you are the 
Michelangelo of your experience. The David that you 
are sculpting is you. And you do it with your thoughts”

Saturday, December 10, 2011

Resourceful person by Garnett Gunderson

“A resourceful person can see opportunity when 
others only see obstacles”


Mind by Oliver Wendell Holmes

“The mind, once expanded to the dimensions of 
larger ideas, never returns to its original size”


Thoughts by Dr Joe Vitale

“Thoughts are sending 
out that magnetic signal 
that is drawing the 
parallel back to you


Purpose by Garrett Gunderson

“Purpose creates an opportunity for value creation. 
Passion follows purpose. Passion creates energy, 
money is attracted to energy”


Few moments by Author unknown

“Invest a few moments in thinking. It will pay 
good interest”


Castle by Sir Edward Coleo

“A man’s office is his or her castle”


Universe by Dr Joe Vitale

“If you turn it over to the universe you will be 
surprised and dazzled by what is delivered to you. 
This is where magic and miracles happen”



Curiosity by Arnold Edinborough

“Curiosity is the very basis of education and if you 
tell me that curiosity killed the cat, I say only the 
cat died nobly”


Optimist by Gil Stern

“Both optimist and 
pessimists constitute 
to our society. The 
optimist invents the 
airplane and the 
pessimist the 


Generosity by Frank A Clark           

“Real generosity is doing something nice for someone 
who will never find out about it”


Aging b y Deepak Chopra

“You can free yourself from aging by reinterpreting 
your body and by grasping the link between belief 
and biology”


Opportunity by Thomas Edison

“Opportunity is missed
by most people because
it is dressed in overalls 
and looks like work”


Marriage by Oscar Wilde

“The one charm 
about marriage is 
that it makes a 
life of deception 
absolutely necessary 
for both parties”


“Income by Garnett Gunderson

“Income is derived by what value we can create for 
others, therefore do what you enjoy, do it the best, 
and this will allow you to create the most value”


Mind by Albert Einstein

“There comes a time when the mind takes a higher 
plane of knowledge but can never prove how it
got there”


Idling by Jerome K Jerome

“It is impossible to enjoy idling thoroughly unless 
one has plenty of work to do”


Law of creation by Dr Joe Vitale

“With the Law of 
Creation in play, 
you not only see 
the abundance 
and opportunity 
that surrounds 
you. You’re 
able to TAKE it”


True wealth by Garrett Gunderson

“True wealth is a by product of living a principled life”


Talents by Thomas Jefferson

“The most valuable of all talents is that of never 
using two words when one will do”


Err by Franklin P. Jones

“To err is human, to forgive, infrequent”


Marry by Hal Chadwick

“Marry in haste 
and everyone 
starts counting 
the months”


Absent by author unknown

“Absence makes the heart go wander”